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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781444164824
PISBN 9781444121827
edition 4
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Imaging for Students delivers step-by-step guidance to the range of imaging techniques available, providing a clear explanation of how each imaging modality actually works, and including information on the associated risks and hazards. Throughout, the importance of patient preparation and post-procedure observation is emphasized. Taking information from evidence-based studies and published guidelines, in line with current clinical practice, the book takes a highly logical approach to the investigation of clinical scenarios, where possible indicating the "best first test"—vital to both appropriate clinical and cost-effective decision-making. Drawing on the extensive clinical and teaching experience of its respected author, the fourth edition of Imaging for Students gives students and junior doctors everything they need to understand the advantages, disadvantages, and possible side effects of the imaging modalities available, and how to apply them appropriately in clinical practice.

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