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The first major handbook of its kind, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders has, since the first edition, been the most influential reference work in the field of autism and related conditions. There are pending changes in nomenclature with DSM-V and ICD-10 that will have profound implications for diagnosis, and therefore, access to services. The nature of these changes and their agreement/disagreement with each other and their predecessors is the focus of considerable debate and new findings needs to be incorporated in an authoritative work such as this.  The rapid pace of research is reflected throughout both volumes.The genetic contribution to autism. Several areas of the human genome have been implicated in autism and related conditions and candidate genes are now being investigated.
    Collected by
    • South China Normal University
    • Princeton University
    • Yale University
    • University of California,Davis
    • University College London
    • University of Oxford
    • University of Chicago
    • UCB

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