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publishCompany Cengage
EISBN 9781337262415
PISBN 9781285172958
edition 2
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  • Contents
Created for the next generation of engineering professionals, VISUALIZATION, MODELING, AND GRAPHICS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN, Second Edition, combines coverage of traditional drafting essentials and the cutting-edge technology and methods today's professionals need to master for career success. This versatile text provides a strong grounding in fundamentals including core design skills, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, sketching and drawing, and industry- and discipline-specific applications, even while recognizing how computers have enabled visualizing and modeling techniques that have changed the engineering design process. Working from this modern perspective, the authors explore critical process phases such as creative thinking, product ideation, and advanced analysis, as well as problem solving, collaboration, and communication skills essential for today's engineers and technicians. In addition to numerous updates to reflect the latest technology and trends, the Second Edition of this groundbreaking text features a more streamlined presentation, with a mix of printed and online chapters and a highly modular structure that make it easy to customize coverage for specific courses or interests. New teaching and learning resources are available online as well, including a Web-based Mind Tap supplement with interactive quizzes and more than 100 multimedia animations and video clips.

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