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publishCompany CABI
EISBN 9781780644097
PISBN 9781780640495
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The stomach and small and large intestinal microbiome / Christian U. Riedel, Andreas Schwiertz, and Markus Egert -- The oral microbiome / Egija Zaura, Jessica E. Koopman, Mercedes Fernandez y Mostajo and Wim Crielaard -- The human urogenital microbiome / Erika Bengston, Larry J. Forney and David E. Nelson -- The lung microbiome / Geraint B. Rogers, Mary P. Carroll and Kenneth D. Bruce -- The human skin microbiome / Jia Tong and Huiying Li -- Function of the human gut microbiota / Takahiro Matsuki and Ryuichiro Tanaka -- Models of the human microbiota and microbiome in vitro / Massimo Marzorati, Pieter Van Den Abbeele, Charlotte Grootaert, Rosemarie De Weirdt, Ane Marcos Carcavilla, Joan Vermeiren, and Tom Van de Wiele -- In vivo and animal models of the human gut microbiome / Andrew L. Goodman -- The gut microbiota in health and disease / Marco Ventura, Francesca Turroni, Francesco Strati, and Douwe van Sinderen -- Next-generation sequencing methods to investigate the human microbiome / Liang Xiao, Junjie Qin, Dongqian Shen, Chenming Jiang, Wanting Chen, Chuan Liu and Jun Wang -- Metabonomics for understanding gut microbiome and host metabolic interplay / Jia V. Li and Elaine Holmes.

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