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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781439847923
PISBN 9781439847909
edition 4
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Building a foundation with a thorough description of crystalline structures, Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction, Fourth Edition presents a wide range of the synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids. Going beyond basic science, the book explains and analyzes modern techniques and areas of research. The book covers: A range of synthetic and physical techniques used to prepare and characterize solids Bonding, superconductivity, and electrochemical, magnetic, optical, and conductive properties STEM, ionic conductivity, nanotubes and related structures such as graphene, metal organic frameworks, and FeAs superconductors Biological systems in synthesis, solid state modeling, and metamaterials This largely nonmathematical introduction to solid state chemistry includes basic crystallography and structure determination, as well as practical examples of applications and modern developments to offer students the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real-life situations and serve them well throughout their degree course. New in the Fourth Edition Coverage of multiferroics, graphene, and iron-based high temperature superconductors, the techniques available with synchrotron radiation, and metal organic frameworks (MOFs) More space devoted to electron microscopy and preparative methods New discussion of conducting polymers in the expanded section on carbon nanoscience

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