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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118997826
PISBN 9781118997772
How the Immune System Works has helped thousands of students understand whats in their big, thick, immunology textbooks. In his book, Dr. Sompayrac cuts through the jargon and details to reveal, in simple language, the essence of this complex subject. In fifteen easy-to-read chapters, featuring the humorous style and engaging analogies developed by Dr. Sompayrac, How the Immune System Works explains how the immune system players work together to protect us from disease - and, most importantly, why they do it this way. Rigorously updated for this fifth edition, How the Immune System Works includes the latest information on subjects such as vaccines, the immunology of AIDS, and cancer. A highlight of this edition is a new chapter on the intestinal immune system - currently one of the hottest topics in immunology. Whether you are completely new to immunology, or require a refresher, How the Immune System Works will provide you with a clear and engaging overview of this fascinating subject.
    Collected by
    • Princeton University
    • University of Cambridge
    • Yale University
    • University of Oxford
    • Harvard University
    • Columbia University Library
    • National Library of China
    • Stanford University
    • Jinan University
    • UCB

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