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publishCompany CRC Press
EISBN 9781439860663
PISBN 9781439860588
edition 2
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Medical devices are often very complex, but while there are differences in design from one manufacturer to another, the principles of operation and, more importantly, the physiological and anatomical characteristics on which they operate are universal. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Technology, Second Edition explains the uses and applications of medical technology and the principles of medical equipment management to familiarize readers with their prospective work environment. Written by an experienced biomedical engineering technologist, the book describes the technological devices, various hardware, tools, and test equipment used in today’s health-care arena. Photographs of representative equipment; the technical, physiological, and anatomical basis for their function; and where they are commonly found in hospitals are detailed for a wide range of biomedical devices, from defibrillators to electrosurgery units. Throughout, the text incorporates real-life examples of the work that biomedical engineering technologists do. Appendices supply useful information such as normal medical values, a list of regulatory bodies, Internet resources, and information on training programs. Thoroughly revised and updated, this second edition includes more examples and illustrations as well as end-of-chapter questions to test readers’ understanding. This accessible text supplies an essential overview of clinical equipment and the devices that are used directly with patients in the course of their care for diagnostic or treatment purposes. The author’s practical approach and organization, outlining everyday functions and applications of the various medical devices, prepares readers for situations they will encounter on the job. What’s New in This Edition: Revised and updated throughout, including a wider range of devices, full-color anatomy illustrations, and more information about tes

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