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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781118978016
PISBN 9781118977996
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The leading guide to professional home construction, updated and expanded fundamentals of residential construction is the definitive guide to single family and multifamily home building that details every step of the construction process. From siting and foundations to finishing details, this book provides a complete walk-through of professional home construction. Over 1,200 drawings and photographs animate the textbook, while interactive supplementary online resources help facilitate an understanding of the material. This fourth edition accommodates the latest developments in materials and methods, including new coverage of sustainable building and energy efficiency, multifamily construction, prefabricated building components, and CAD/BIM planning tools in residential construction. Authoritative coverage of wood light-frame construction, building systems, industrialized fabrication, insulating concrete forms, light-gauge steel and masonry construction, multi-family buildings, and more provides a solid foundation in residential construction methods, tools, and processes.

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