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Efficiently master essential cell and molecular biology information! Now in its second edition; Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology continues to provide a highly visual presentation of essential cell and molecular biology; focusing on topics related to human health and disease. It offers all the most popular features of the bestselling Lippincott Illustrated Reviews series; including abundant full-color; annotated illustrations; chapter overviews; an expanded outline format; chapter summaries; and review questions that link basic science to real-life clinical situations.  Master all the latest cell and molecular biology knowledge; thanks to revisions throughout; including updated unit overviews and chapter summaries; which set goals for understanding and re-emphasize essential concepts from each chapter.Understand the practical applications with clinical boxes that reinforce key concepts by direct application to real-world scenarios; now with expanded information on specific cellular processes.Visualize key concepts more clearly with the aid of nearly 250 full-color; annotated illustrations.Extend your learning online with access to new animations and an interactive question bank.

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