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publishCompany Wiley
EISBN 9781119042426
PISBN 9781119042419
edition 5
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Though stemming from the editors course at North Carolina State and written as an advanced text for toxicology students, this book is much more than an introductory book and provides in-depth information describing the underlying biochemical, molecular, and cellular mechanisms through which toxicants produce their adverse responses. Toxicologic issues are covered from both an organ-based approach along with the basic principles of toxicology and methodology. While toxicology is a broad and comprehensive science, it is also true that different areas progress at different rates and that molecular and mechanistic approaches have seen dramatic advances since the 4th edition of Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology published. Changes in the 5th edition stress these advances in molecular techniques and their contributions to fundamental mechanisms of toxic action. At the same time, the 5th edition provides continuity with advances in organ toxicity and develops ideas as to future applications.

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